Hi, I am Madhu!

Computer Science Engineer in the making! As sweet as the name suggests 😊.

Contact Information

Email - madhushaw101999@gmail.com

GitHub : github.com/madhushaw1012
LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/madhushaw12

About Myself

An amateur in learning about the technology that runs our lives and yearns to get better by attaining more with every passing day.

Education Qualifications

  • Kalyani Government Engineering College | 2019-2023

    B. Tech - Department of Computer Science and Engineering

    GPA: 8.69/10 (First Semester)

  • Maheshwari Girls’ School, Kolkata | 2016-2018

    Indian School Certificate - Computer Science

    Aggregate Percentage: 94.75%

  • Maheshwari Girls’ School, Kolkata | 2012-2016

    Indian Certificate of Secondary Education

    Aggregate Percentage: 95.2%

My Coursework

  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Basic Electrical
  • JAVA

Working On

Understanding versatility of

  • JAVA
  • Python
  • C

Awards and Co-Curriculars

  • Secured highest marks in English, ICSE(2016).
  • Secured Highest marks in Physics, English, Computer(2017).
  • Secured highest marks in English, Computer in ISC(2018).

My Interests

  • Dance
  • Music
  • Guitar
  • Cooking